While it might not be the “Harry and Louise” full-frontal assault that battered the Clinton administration efforts on system reform, smart, measured resistance to the Obama Principles of Reform are bubbling up all around. To his credit, the President has prescribed an open process, with very public dialog; one suspects the goal is both to avoid the aura of secrecy that clouded the Clinton effort and actually hear from the industry’s best and brightest to leverage their thinking.
A third goal, I suspect, was to amass public support from the same best and brightest as a way of selling the Administration’s vision for the future of the American health system. Seems a funny thing happened on the way to the group hug…people are presenting reasoned, polite dissent. The Administration isn’t getting the, “you’ve got it right” stamp of approval it might have hoped for from the field.
Two instances this week were particularly interesting. First, on Tuesday research appeared on Health Affairs’ website posting the question, “Will Americans Support the Individual Mandate?” This study aimed to assess if an individual mandate, on its own, similar to the Massachusetts plan, could have wide public support, or if something more faceted would be politically necessary.
Respondents to the study’s survey were asked their opinions on two different approaches, the “stand-alone mandate” and a “shared-responsibility plan” each described as follows:
Stand-Alone Mandate: "This proposal would require all Americans to have insurance. Most people would still get insurance through their work. People who don't get insurance from work would have to buy it themselves, or pay a fine if they don't. People with lower incomes would get help from the government paying the cost of health insurance."
Shared-Responsibility Plan: "This proposal would place requirements on individuals, employers, the government, and insurance companies so that everyone shares in the responsibility. Individuals who don't already have insurance would be required to buy it or pay a fine, with financial help from the government for people with lower incomes. Employers would be required to cover their workers, or pay money into a pool that helps people buy insurance. Government health insurance programs would be expanded. Insurance plans would be required to take anyone who applies, even if they have a prior illness."
The stand-alone plan is an easier platform on which to campaign; it doesn’t take a lengthy explanation to get across and the principle is simple. While the President didn’t/hasn’t come down firmly in this camp (he supported a mandate for children, while Hillary Clinton went for the full mandate), he has expressed an openness to it.
The noise out of DC and the trial balloons being floated from Congresses work groups suggest the task forces are leaning more toward a “shared-responsibility” model [and what a great name! Who could be against a concept like shared responsibility?]. This study seems to think this is a politically viable course of action.
Essentially, “48 percent of the public supported the stand-alone individual mandate. It was not as popular as some incremental approaches to partially covering the uninsured population (assessed in another recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey), such as expanding state government programs for low-income people (72 percent) and offering businesses incentives to insure their employees (79 percent). It was slightly more popular than a single-payer government plan financed through taxes (44 percent).”
“A shared-responsibility plan was more popular than the stand-alone mandate in 2008. Fifty-nine percent of the public supported it, compared to the 48 percent who supported the stand-alone mandate. All groups, regardless of political affiliation, income, race, age, and education, were more supportive of the shared-responsibility plan than the stand-alone mandate, except the Hispanic/other race subgroup, which appeared to be indifferent about which of the two options was better.”
This all sounds encouraging, until you hit this sentence: “’shared-responsibility’ enjoyed majority support among every measured subgroup except Republicans (44 percent), respondents over age sixty-five (50 percent), and college-educated people (50 percent).” Huh? That sent my radar buzzing. One of our two major political parties, one of our largest voting blocks (and the largest healthcare consuming demographic, and the “elite” class the President is supposed to represent. Support really drops off when you talk to wage earners garnering between $80,000 - $100,000.
If support for even the better approach is wanting among these significant groups, does that suggest that neither idea is very well-liked? The reasons given for not supporting any form of mandate are predictable and reveal fundamental disagreements on the government’s right role in healthcare; the belief that either approach “would lead to government-run health care or higher taxes, or both. The Democrats who opposed the plans were significantly more likely than the Republicans to say that these reform options were the wrong approach because a single government health plan was needed. Republicans and Democrats also disagreed on the issue of the individual mandate itself. A higher percentage of Republican opponents than Democratic opponents disagreed with the principle of government requiring people to buy insurance. More Democrats than Republicans opposed mandates because they thought that people might not be able to afford the insurance they were being required to purchase.”
Jeff Goldsmith posed the question, especially in this economy, where is the money to fund any of this going to come from? Even if you favor the “shared-responsibility” approach, Mr. Goldsmith points out, “mandating that employers offer health insurance to their workers if they do not already do so is, in effect, taxing them. Those that do not play would be asked explicitly to pay an equivalent amount (6-8% of payroll?) to a fund that would help finance those not covered by employer plans.”
“The president recently reaffirmed his support for the so-called Employee Free Choice Act, which would also increase employment costs by rapidly accelerating unionization. How you can heap these two economic burdens on employers, which are laying off 650,000 workers a month, and expect to get back to 7.9% unemployment next year or even the year after, beggars the imagination.”
This was the most sobering cry in the wilderness yet. While those who support either mandate do so most often on the basis of moral principle – it’s the right thing to do. I can’t imagine how job #1, re-energizing the economy, can take a back seat to some halcyon moral imperative.
Then, there’s the advice – FINALLY – that this whole debate is focusing on the wrong problem. But that’s a topic for next week.
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